Hello, my name is Joseph Balsavich

I am a Software Engineer and UX/UI Designer who is currently based in the Twin Cities.

Joseph Balsavich smiling in a black dress shirt in front of a grey door

Software Engineering

I have gone through the process of mind to paper, and from paper to product through many different ways. Both from self-created projects as well as in-school assignments.

UX / UI Designer

I have had experience in user design as well as user experience. I also have had experiences in different user research methods and evalutation techniques to ensure that the project is done to the best of my abiity.

Fast Paced

Although I can definitely take it slow, I have learned that I am good in accelerated as well as high pressure workplaces.

Team Oriented

Even though I can work solo, I have lots of experiences working with many different types of teams. Through this, I have learned many different communication techniques to increase understanding and efficiency in conversations.

Selected Work

Take a look below at some of my featured work for clients from the past few years.