

Web Development

I wanted to create a website that showed off a few of the skills that I have as well as picking up a new framework to learn.

A terminal logo with the name Joseph Balsavich nex to it

The link to this website.

I have been looking at my old website, and realizing that it is time for a change. I have been wanting to learn a new framework for a while now, and decided that Astro was a great way to fix both of those problems. So I decided to try.

After realizing that Astro forces you to use TypeScript, I decided to improve my TypeScript skills as well. I have been avoiding it for a while now, and I think it is time to learn it.

After multiple attempts, and lots of frustration, I finally got the website up and running. I am very happy with the results, and will be updating it as I want to show of more projects.