
PDR for Mars Rover Project

Project Management
Environmental Limitations
Hardware Requirements
Risk Management

We created a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for a Mars Rover project. The PDR was a comprehensive document that outlined the design of the Mars Rover, including the mission objectives, system architecture, and subsystem designs. The PDR was presented to a panel of experts who provided feedback and recommendations for the project. The PDR was an essential step in the development of the Mars Rover project and helped to ensure that the project was on track to meet its goals.

A rocket orbiting the word "l space" in space.

The Link to the Final PDR

Over the course of the summer of 2022, and in collaboration with a team of individuals from all over the country, we created a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for a Mars Rover project. The goal of the project was to design a Mars Rover that could explore the caves of Mars and instead of just taking pictures, it would use LiDar detection and mapping to create a 3D map of the caves with a comprehensive catalog of the minerals and resources found within the caves. This was to be done in preparation for a manned mission to Mars in the future.

The potential outcomes of this project are many, but the main one was to look for resources that could lead to the future knowledge of where water is on the planet as well as ensuring that the caves are safe for human exploration.