
Supportive Home Services Website


I developed a website for a local business that provides home services to the elderly and disabled.

A white house on a lake depictive sunset by showing pink as the color of the sky and water, with blue trees.

View the Website Here

With my introduction to React.JS and Solid.JS, I was able to create a website for a local business that provides home services to the elderly and disabled. The website was designed to be accessible and user-friendly, with a focus on providing information about the services offered and how to contact the business. The website was built using Solid.JS, a lightweight JavaScript library that is similar to React.JS but with a focus on performance and simplicity. I enjoyed working on this project and learning more about web development and accessibility.

This project was completed in communication with the business owner, who provided feedback and guidance throughout the development process. I was able to learn more about the needs of a business and how to create a website that meets those needs.

Problem Statement: Supportive Home Services is a local business that provides home services to the elderly and disabled. Even though the business did have a website, it was outdated in both design and usability. The website did not have https support and did not fully express what the business offered. The business owner wanted a new website that was modern, accessible, and user-friendly.