
Drone Package Delivery Simulator

Software Engineering
Design Patterns

We developed a simulator for a drone package delivery service that allows users to be able to put in different simulations to see how the drone would deliver packages. Using the University of Minnesota campus as its map.

The Docker Logo, a whale with containers on its back.

View the DockerHub Page Here

This project was completed in collaboration with a team of 3 other students for a class at the University of Minnesota.

In order to run this project, you will need to have Docker installed on your machine. You can find the DockerHub page for this project here. Once you have Docker installed, you can run the following command to pull the image and run the simulator:

You will then need to run the command that is provided on the DockerHub page to pull the image and run the simulator.

Once installed, the main page will have the simulation as well as some basic controls.

In order to schedule a delivery, you will need to add /schedule.html to the website address to access the scheduling page.

Please do so while leaving the main page open, as to not miss the delivery.