About Me

A black and white photo of Joseph Balsavich at graduation in a cap and gown


University of Minnesota
Completed a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. This is where I learned about computer architecture, the complete cycle of software engineering, and the fundamentals of machine learning.


Programming Languages including C, c plus plus, java, javascript, python, and typesript

The programming languages that I feel most familiar with are C, C-Plus-Plus, Java, JavaScript, Python, and TypeScript. However, I know many more, and am eagerly learning more every day.


My laptop runs on Ubuntu, a version of Linux/GNU, but I have also used Windows and Macintosh in the past. Currently, my main code editor is Visual Studio Code, but in the past I have used Eclipse IDE and Intellij IDEA Ultimate IDEA. This website is currently made in Astro, but in the past I have used SolidJS and ReactJS. I also use Github for my version history and remote backup. Currently, this website is being hosted on Netlify, but this can change in the future.